Daisy Lynne thought she was going for a nice morning tinkle, until she felt a stream of liquid spraying all over… Her stupid devious stepbrother put plastic wrap around the seat causing this to happen. Daisy exited the bathroom bare bottomed with her pussy exposed to curse out her stepbro. He thought it was funny until he got pushed to the ground. He did get a nice view of stepsisters cunt though throughout this ordeal.
The next day, stepbro found a weird pirate mask and went go scare stepsis while she was taking a bath. She freaked out! And was especially pissed because stepbro was ogling her naked body also. This needed to end. Stepbro said he would stop if Daisy sucked on his cock a little bit. Looks like they had a deal! When Daisy thought it was over, it looked like it had just begun. Stepbro pretended to cut his finger while slicing some apples and Daisy somehow felt responsible for this. Before she could freak out stepbro told her it was ketchup, and Daisy was pissed! Daisy figured she would up the ante. Maybe if she let him fuck her he would finally stop pranking. Sure enough one pounded pussy and a face full of cum later and the prank war was over.