Dylan’s mother Alice was having a shitty day. Her shower was broken and she desperately needed a good washing! She went the other bathroom in hopes it was empty, but it was occupied. It seemed to be her husband. She asked how long until he was done. He replied with a slick answer, and also his cock hanging out the curtain! Alice thought maybe if she sucked him off it would speed up his process. Sure enough, he pushes the curtains to the side to reveal it was her stepson Dylan! Alice was in shock, but boy was that pubescent stepcock tasty. They continued to fuck in the shower, until Alice’s husband barged in looking for his cellphone. She quickly closed the curtains and shoed him away as her stepson continued to fuck her. You would think it was conditioner that got spurted onto her face at the end, but it surely wasn’t. It was her stepsons’ cum! Haha.