I noticed this tall drink of water with lengthy legs, Ivi Rein, ready for the bus in a skirt. I walked up and acquired to chatting. Ivi advised me she was ready for the bus as a result of she was on her strategy to an English lesson. I advised her that as a local talking, I may tutor her. After I provided her some cash for her time, she was very . I gave her some money to flash me her small boobs, and this made her flirty. We walked off collectively for a “lesson” and she or he hiked up her skirt so I may higher see her lengthy legs and nice ass. Ivi took my huge dick out and gave me a blowjob, then the sexy slut let me fuck her pussy standing doggystyle. She rode me on the bottom, then Ivi strokes my cock till I rewarded her with a facial!
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